A collection of more than 1000 case studies
We are the only research medical team that is confident with our technology to improve aging cells.
Our team has pursued a unique avenue in stem cell research, which has been showcased in Stem Cell Conferences across 15 countries. We have designed many research protocols that have yielded favourable outcomes.
Company Milestone

Cell Genesis Pte Ltd is founded in Singapore, specialised in Stem Cells Technology Research. Singapore is ranked the highest in Asia for Cell Therapy Research. Due to the limitation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in medical field, the First Generation of Cell Enhancement Technology (CEXCI) is discovered.

Cell Genesis Laboratories expanded to Malaysia. Research continues in enhancing our CEXCI Protocols for different diseases.

Our primary breakthrough was to enhance the cell wall gating mechanism and intracellular signaling pathway. Stability was achieved for more than 96 hours, superior to other stem cell technology which can only achieve 4 hours stability.

Observation and data were collected over the last 12 years.

Our proprietary research data has been orally presented globally in 26 cities.

NPRA (MOH) application & new GMP Processing Facility is set up.

Collaboration research studies on Efficacy of CEXCI Technology in various diseases, with a few local universities, e.g - University Putra Malaysia and University Malaya. We have progressive research studies with the top oversea universities in India and Europe.
Cell Enhancement Research Protocols | 

Research Protocols
- Cell Enhancement Parkinson’s Disease Protocol (CEXCI – PDX1)
- Cell Enhancement Kidney Protocol (CEXCI – KDX1)
- Cell Enhancement Heart Failure Protocol (CEXCI – HFX1)
- Cell Enhancement Lung Protocol (CEXCI – LX1)
- Cell Enhancement Liver Protocol (CEXCI – LDX1)
- Cell Enhancement Face Protocol (CEXCI-FX1)
About Cell Genesis
CELL GENESIS is founded by Dr. Michael Lim Ming Soon, a globally recognized stem cell expert and visionary, one of the world’s leaders in stem cell research and therapy since 2012. Dr Lim pioneered the 1st Allogeneic Stem Cell transplantation for the region of Asia Pacific in 2012 for Aesthetic medicine and using source from umbilical MSC and dental pulp MSC.